Одолел topic simple machines. Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку на тему "Машины и работа" (3 курс)

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Simple machines are extremely important to everyday life. They make stuff that is normally difficult a piece of cake. There are several types of simple machines. The first simple machine is a lever. A lever consists of a fulcrum, load, and effort force. A fulcrum is the support. The placing of the fulcrum changes the amount of force and distance it will take in order to move an object. The load is the applied force. The effort force is the force applied on the opposite side of the load. Levers can be placed in three classes. The 1st class levers are objects like pliers where the fulcrum is at the center of the lever. The 2nd class of levers are objects that have the fulcrum on the opposite side of the applied force like a nutcracker. The 3rd and final class is objects like crab claws. These objects of the load at one end and the fulcrum on the other.

An inclined plane is another simple machine. Inclined planes are also known as ramps. Ramps make a trade off between distance and force. No matter how steep the ramp, the work is still the same. A winding road on a mountain side is a good example of a ramp. Some simple machines are modified inclined planes. The wedge is one of those machines. One or two inclined planes make up a wedge. Saws, knives,needles, and axes are made from wedges. The screw is another modified inclined plane. Screws decrease the force but increase the distance. The ridges are called threads. A couple of simple machines are made with wheels. The wheel and axle is one of these machines.

These are made with a rod joined to the center of a wheel. They can either increase distance or force, depending on the size of the wheel. The pulley is another machine that uses wheels. The are a wheel with a groove in the center with a rope or chain stretched around it. The load attaches to one end and the effort is applied to the other on all pulleys. There are two types of pulleys. The fixed pulley stays in one place while the wheel spins. Movable pulleys attach to objects. Several pulleys can be used at one time. A good example of a pulley system is an escalator. Simple machines make up compound machines. We use these machines daily. Life would be difficult without simple machines.

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Choose cite format: Simple Machines. (2016, Dec 12). Retrieved from ">APA "Simple Machines." , 12 Dec 2016, ">MLA Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free. (2016). Simple Machines . . Available at: ">Harvard "Simple Machines." Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free, Dec 12, 2016. Accessed February 21, 2019. ">Chicago "Simple Machines." Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free , 12 Dec 2016, ">ASA "Simple Machines," Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free , 12-Dec-2016. . Available: . ">IEEE Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free. (2016). Simple Machines . . Available at: ">AMA

Or . However, some of the most important and useful machines are quite simple. In fact, scientists even call them simple machines!

So what is a simple machine? Is it a machine that does a simple , such as addition or ? Maybe it"s just a machine that"s really easy to operate, like an old television remote control? Or could it be any machine that makes life easier?

While simple machines do make our lives easier, they"re much older than either television remotes or calculators. Simple machines are some of the first machines ever created.

Since the earliest human beings walked on Earth, they looked for ways to make the of everyday life easier to accomplish. Over time, they did this by inventing what has become known as the six simple machines.

Wedges are moving inclined planes used to lift or separate. Wedges are usually used to cut, tear, or break an object into pieces. Common wedges include knives, axes, saws, scissors, and shovels. However, wedges can also be used to hold things in place, such as in the case of staples, nails, shims, or doorstops.

A is a twisted version of an inclined plane. It allows movement to be translated into an up or down motion that takes up less space. Screws can also help hold things together. Common examples of screws include jar lids, drills, light bulbs, and bottle caps.

These six simple machines are all around us. Often more machines, also called machines, consist of one or more of the simple machines put together. Can you imagine how much easier life became after the invention of these simple machines?

Simple machines are devices with few or no moving parts that make work easier. Students are introduced to the six types of simple machines - the wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, and pulley - in the context of the construction of a pyramid, gaining high-level insights into tools that have been used since ancient times and are still in use today. In two hands-on activities, students begin their own pyramid design by performing materials calculations, and evaluating and selecting a construction site. The six simple machines are examined in more depth in subsequent lessons in this unit. This engineering curriculum meets Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connection

Why do engineers care about simple machines? How do such devices help engineers improve society? Simple machines are important and common in our world today in the form of everyday devices (crowbars, wheelbarrows, highway ramps, etc.) that individuals, and especially engineers, use on a daily basis. The same physical principles and mechanical advantages of simple machines used by ancient engineers to build pyramids are employed by today"s engineers to construct modern structures such as houses, bridges and skyscrapers. Simple machines give engineers added tools for solving everyday challenges.

Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Understand what a simple machine is and how it would help an engineer to build something.
  • Identify six types of simple machines.
  • Understand how the same physical principles used by engineers today to build skyscrapers were employed in ancient times by engineers to build pyramids.
  • Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to creating a simple lever machine based on how well each met the constraints of the challenge.

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Educational Standards

Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.

All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L (www.achievementstandards.org).

In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards - Science
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology


How did the Egyptians build the Great Pyramids thousands of years ago (~2,500 BCE)? Could you build a pyramid using 9,000-kilogram (~10-ton or 20,000-lb) blocks of stone with your bare hands? That"s like trying to move a large elephant with your bare hands! How many people might it take to move a block that big? It would still be a challenge to build a pyramid today even with modern tools, such as jackhammers, cranes, trucks and bulldozers. But without these modern tools, how did Egyptian workers cut, shape, transport and place enormous stones? Well, one key to accomplishing this amazing and difficult task was the use of simple machines.

Simple machines are devices with no, or very few, moving parts that make work easier. Many of today"s complex tools are really just more complicated forms of the six simple machines. By using simple machines, ordinary people can split huge rocks, hoist large stones, and move blocks over great distances.

However, it took more than just simple machines to build the pyramids. It also took tremendous planning and a great design . Planning, designing, working as a team and using tools to create something, or to get a job done, is what engineering is all about. Engineers use their knowledge, creativity and problem-solving skills to accomplish some amazing feats to solve real-world challenges. People call on engineers to use their understanding of how things work to do seemingly impossible jobs and make everyday activities easier. It is surprising how many times engineers turn to simple machines to solve these problems.

Once we understand simple machines, you will recognize them in many common activities and everyday items. (Hand out .) These are the six simple machines: wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw , and pulley . Now that you see the pictures, do you recognize some of these simple machines? Can you see any of these simple machines around the classroom? How do they work? Well, an important vocabulary term when learning about simple machines is mechanical advantage . Mechanical advantage of simple machines means we can use less force to move an object, but we have to move it a longer distance. A good example is pushing a heavy object up a ramp. It may be easier to push the object up a ramp instead of just lifting it up to the right height, but it takes a longer distance. A ramp is an example of the simple machine called an inclined plane . We are going to learn a lot more about each of these six simple machines that are a simple solution to helping engineers, and all humans, do hard work.

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize simple machines in our lives because they look different than the examples we see at school. To make our study of simple machines easier, let"s imagine that we are living in ancient Egypt and that the leader of the country has hired us as engineers to build a pyramid. Today"s availability of electricity and technologically-advanced machines make it difficult for us to see what the simple machine is accomplishing. But in the context of ancient Egypt, the simple machines that we will study are the much more basic tools of the time. After we develop an understanding of simple machines, we will shift our context to building a skyscraper in the present day, so we can compare and contrast how simple machines were used across the centuries and are still used today.

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Use the attached Introduction to Simple Machines PowerPoint presentation and Simple Machines Reference Sheet as helpful classroom tools. (Show the PowerPoint presentation, or print out the slides to use with an overhead projector. The presentation is animated to promote an inquiry-based style; each click reveals a new point about each machine; have students suggest characteristics and examples before you reveal them.)

Simple machines are everywhere; we use them everyday to perform simple tasks. Simple machines have also been in use since the early days of human existence. While simple machines take many shapes, they come in six basic types:

  • Wedge : A device that forces things apart.
  • Wheel and axle : Used to reduce friction.
  • Lever : Moves around a pivot point to increase or decrease mechanical advantage.
  • Inclined plane : Raises objects by moving up a slope.
  • Screw : A device that can lift or hold things together.
  • Pulley : Changes the direction of a force.

We use simple machines because they make work easier. The scientific definition of work is the amount of force that is applied to an object multiplied by the distance the object is moved. Thus, work consists of force and distance. Each job takes a specific amount of work to finish it, and this number does not change. Thus, the force times the distance always equals the same amount of work. This means that if you move something a smaller distance you need to exert a greater force. On the other hand, if you want to exert less force, you need to move it over a greater distance. This is the force and distance trade off, or mechanical advantage , which is common to all simple machines. With mechanical advantage, the longer a job takes, the less force you need to use throughout the job. Most of the time, we feel that a task is hard because it requires us to use a lot of force. Therefore, using the trade off between distance and force can make our task much easier to complete.

The wedge is a simple machine that forces objects or substances apart by applying force to a large surface area on the wedge, with that force magnified to a smaller area on the wedge to do the actual work. A nail is a common wedge with a wide nail head area where the force is applied, and a small point area where the concentrated force is exerted. The force is magnified at the point, enabling the nail to pierce wood. As the nail sinks into the wood, the wedge shape at the point of the nail moves forward, and forces the wood apart.

Figure 1: An axe is an example of a wedge.

Everyday examples of wedges include an axe (see Figure 1), nail, doorstop, chisel, saw, jackhammer, zipper, bulldozer, snow plow, horse plow, zipper, airplane wing, knife, fork and bow of a boat or ship.

The wheel and axle is a simple machine that reduces the friction involved in moving an object, making the object easier to transport. When an object is pushed, the force of friction must be overcome to start it moving. Once the object is moving, the force of friction opposes the force exerted on the object. The wheel and axle makes this easier by reducing the friction involved in moving an object. The wheel rotates around an axle (essentially a rod that goes through the wheel, letting the wheel turn), rolling over the surface and minimizing friction. Imagine trying to push a 9,000-kilogram (~10-ton) block of stone. Wouldn"t it be easier to roll it along using logs placed underneath the stone?

Everyday examples of the wheel and axle include a car, bicycle, office chair, wheel barrow, shopping cart, hand truck and roller skates.

A lever simple machine consists of a load, a fulcrum and effort (or force). The load is the object that is moved or lifted. The fulcrum is the pivot point, and the effort is the force required to lift or move the load. By exerting a force on one end of the lever (the applied force), a force at the other end of the lever is created. The applied force is either increased or decreased, depending on the distance from the fulcrum (the point or support on which a lever pivots) to the load, and from the fulcrum to the effort.

Figure 2: A crowbar is an example of a lever.


Copyright © 2004 Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA. All rights reserved. With notations by the ITL Program, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2005.

Everyday examples of levers include a teeter-totter or see-saw, crane arm, crow bar, hammer (using the claw end), fishing pole and bottle opener. Think of a how you use a crowbar (see Figure 2). By pushing down on the long end of the crowbar, a force is created at the load end over a smaller distance, once again, demonstrating the tradeoff between force and distance.

Inclined planes make it easier to lift something. Think of a ramp. Engineers use ramps to easily move objects to a greater height. There are two ways to raise an object: by lifting it straight up, or by pushing it diagonally up. Lifting an object straight up moves it over the shortest distance, but you must exert a greater force. On the other hand, using an inclined plane requires a smaller force, but you must exert it over a longer distance.

Everyday examples of inclined planes include highway access ramps, sidewalk ramps, stairs, inclined conveyor belts, and switchback roads or trails.

Figure 3: A car jack is an example of a screw-type simple machine that enables one person to lift up the side of a car.

A screw is essentially an inclined plane wrapped around a shaft. Screws have two primary functions: they hold things together, or they lift objects. A screw is good for holding things together because of the threading around the shaft. The threads grip the surrounding material like teeth, resulting in a secure hold; the only way to remove a screw is to unwind it. A car jack is an example of a screw being used to lift something (see Figure 3).

Everyday examples of screws include a screw, bolt, clamp, jar lid, car jack, spinning stool and spiral staircase.

Figure 4: A pulley on a ship helps people pull in a heavy fishing net.

A pulley is a simple machine used to change the direction of a force. Think of raising a flag or lifting a heavy stone. To lift a stone up into its place on a pyramid, one would have to exert a force that pulls it up. By using a pulley made from a grooved wheel and rope, one can pull down on the rope, capitalizing on the force of gravity, to lift the stone up . Even more valuable, a system of several pulleys can be used together to reduce the force needed to lift an object.

Everyday examples of pulleys in use include flag poles, elevators, sails, fishing nets (see Figure 4), clothes lines, cranes, window shades and blinds, and rock climbing gear.

Compound Machines

A compound machine is a device that combines two or more simple machines. For example, a wheelbarrow combines the use of a wheel and axle with a lever. Using the six basic simple machines, all sorts of compound machines can be made. There are many simple and compound machines in your home and classroom. Some examples of the compound machines you may find are a can opener (wedge and lever), exercise machines/cranes/tow trucks (levers and pulleys), shovel (lever and wedge), car jack (lever and screw), wheel barrow (wheel and axle and lever) and bicycle (wheel and axle and pulley).


Design: (verb) To plan out in systematic, often graphic form. To create for a particular purpose or effect. Design a building. (noun) A well thought-out plan.

Engineering: Applying scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes and systems.

Force: A push or pull on an object.

Inclined plane: A simple machine that raises an object to greater height. Usually a straight slanted surface and no moving parts, such as a ramp, sloping road or stairs.

Lever: A simple machine that increases or decreases the force to lift something. Usually a bar pivoted on a fixed point (fulcrum) to which force is applied to do work.

Mechanical advantage: An advantage gained by using simple machines to accomplish work with less effort. Making the task easier (which means it requires less force), but may require more time or room to work (more distance, rope, etc.). For example, applying a smaller force over a longer distance to achieve the same effect as applying a large force over a small distance. The ratio of the output force exerted by a machine to the input force applied to it.

Pulley: A simple machine that changes the direction of a force, often to lift a load. Usually consists of a grooved wheel in which a pulled rope or chain runs.

Pyramid: A massive structure of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica used for a crypt or tomb. The typical shape is a square or rectangular base at the ground with sides (faces) in the form of four triangles that meet in a point at the top. Mesoamerican temples have stepped sides and a flat top surmounted by chambers.

Screw: A simple machine that lifts or holds materials together. Often a cylindrical rod incised with a spiral thread.

Simple machine: A machine with few or no moving parts that is used to make work easier (provides a mechanical advantage). For example, a wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, or pulley.

Spiral: A curve that winds around a fixed center point (or axis) at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from that point.

Tool: A device used to do work.

Wedge: A simple machine that forces materials apart. Used for splitting, tightening, securing or levering. It is thick at one end and tapered to a thin edge at the other.

Wheel and axle: A simple machine that reduces the friction of moving by rolling. A wheel is a disk designed to turn around an axle passed through the center of the wheel. An axle is a supporting cylinder on which a wheel or a set of wheels revolves.

Work: Force on an object multiplied by the distance it moves. W = F x d (force multiplied by distance).

Associated Activities

  • Stack It Up! - Students analyze and begin to design a pyramid. They perform calculations to determine the area of their pyramid base, stone block volumes, the number of blocks required for their pyramid base, and make a scaled drawing of a pyramid on graph paper.
  • Choosing a Pyramid Site - Working in engineering project teams, students choose a site for the construction of a pyramid. They base their decision on site features as provided by a surveyor"s report; distance from the quarry, river and palace; and other factors they deem important to the project.

Lesson Closure

Today, we have discussed six simple machines. Who can name them for me? (Answer: Wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, and pulley.) How do simple machines make work easier? (Answer: Mechanical advantage enables us to use less force to move an object, but we have to move it a longer distance.) Why do engineers use simple machines? (Possible answers: Engineers creatively use their knowledge of science and math to make our lives better, often using simple machines. They invent tools that make work easier. They accomplish huge tasks that could not be done without the mechanical advantage of simple machines. They design structures and tools to use our environmental resources better and more efficiently.) Tonight, at home, think about everyday examples of the six simple machines. See how many you can find around your house!

Complete the KWL Assessment Chart (see the Assessment section). Gauge students" understanding of the lesson by assigning the Simple Machines Worksheet as a take-home quiz. As an extension, use the attached . Review the information and answer any questions. Suggest the students keep the sheet handy in their desks, folders or journals.

Lesson Summary Assessment

Closing Discussion: Conduct an informal class discussion, asking the students what they learned from the activities. Ask the students:

  • Who can name the different types of simple machines? (Answer: Wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, and pulley.)
  • How do simple machines make work easier? (Answer: Mechanical advantage enables us to use less force to move an object, but we have to move it a longer distance.)
  • Why do engineers use simple machines? (Possible answers: Engineers creatively use their knowledge of science and math to make our lives better, often using simple machines. They invent tools that make work easier. They accomplish huge tasks that could not be done without the mechanical advantage of simple machines. They design structures and tools to use our environmental resources better and more efficiently.)

Remind students that engineers consider many factors when they plan, design and create something. Ask the students:

  • What are the considerations an engineer must keep in mind when designing a new structure? (Possible answers: Size and shape (design) of the structure, available construction materials, calculation of materials needed, comparing materials and costs, making drawings, etc.)
  • What are the considerations an engineer must keep in mind when choosing a site to build a new structure? (Possible answers: Site physical characteristics , distance to construction resources , suitability for the structure"s purpose .)

KWL Chart (Conclusion): As a class, finish column L of the KWL Chart as described in the Pre-Lesson Assessment section. List all of the things they learned about simple machines. Were all of the W questions answered? What new things did they learn?

Take-Home Quiz: Gauge students" understanding of the lesson by assigning the Simple Machines Worksheet as a take-home quiz.

Lesson Extension Activities

Use the attached Simple Machines Scavenger Hunt! Worksheet to conduct a fun scavenger hunt. Have the students find examples of all the simple machines used in the classroom and their homes.

Bring in everyday examples of simple machines and demonstrate how they work.

Illustrate the power of simple machines by asking students to do a task without using a simple machine, and then with one. For example, create a lever demonstration by hammering a nail into a piece of wood. Have students try to pull the nail out, first using only their hands

Bring in a variety of everyday examples of simple machines. Hand out one out to each student and have them think about what type of simple machine it is. Next, have students place the items into categories by simple machines and explain why they chose to place their item there. Ask students what life would be like without this item. Emphasize that simple machines make our life easier.

See the Edheads website for an interactive game on simple machines: http://edheads.org.

Engineering Design Fun with Levers: Give each pair of students a paint stirrer, 3 small plastic cups, a piece of duct tape and a wooden block or spool (or anything similar). Challenge the students to design a simple machine lever that will throw a ping pong ball (or any other type of small ball) as high as possible. In the re-design phase, allow the students to request materials to add on to their design. Have a small competition to see which group was able to send the ping pong ball flying high. Discuss with the class why that particular design was successful versus other variations seen during the competition.

Additional Multimedia Support

See http://edheads.org for a good simple machines website with curricular materials including educational games and activities.


Dictionary.com. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed January 11, 2006. (Source of some vocabulary definitions, with some adaptation) http://www.dictionary.com

Simple Machines. inQuiry Almanack, The Franklin Institute Online, Unisys and Drexel eLearning. Accessed January 11, 2006. http://sln.fi.edu/qa97/spotlight3/spotlight3.html


Greg Ramsey; Glen Sirakavit; Lawrence E. Carlson; Jacquelyn Sullivan; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson, with design input from the students in the spring 2005 K-12 Engineering Outreach Corps course


© 2005 by Regents of the University of Colorado.

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of these digital library curricula were developed by the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program under National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no. 0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. 

Last modified: February 11, 2019

HanicalSimple Machines and its Mechanical Advantage What are Simple Machines ? What do we mean by Mechanical Advantage? Simple Machines * creates a greater output force than the input force Therefore since work is performed by applying a force over a distance, with the use of these machines we can do more work with lesser effort than working with our bare hands. In short, they make work easier. Mechanical Advantage * The Ratio between the input force and the output force. * The measure of the force amplification achieved by using a tool, mechanical device or machine system. Anyway what is input and output force? Input refers to the force you applied while output refers to the resultant force the object has from the input force. Example: I pushed a ball with 10 N of force, it is rolling with 10 N of force. I input 10 N into it, now it is outputting 10 N. The Six Classical Simple Machines The Lever(French word that means “to raise”) * A simple machine that allows you to gain a mechanical advantage in moving an object or in applying a force to an object. It is considered a "pure" simple machine because friction is not a factor to overcome, as in other simple machines . Part | Description | Fulcrum | Is where a solid board or rod can pivot...

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Compound Machine

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SAMPLE PROBLEMS: . Simple Machines – Lever A first class lever in static equilibrium has a 50lb resistance force and 15lb effort force. The lever’s effort force is located 4 ft from the fulcrum. Sketch and annotate the lever system described above. | What is the actual mechanical advantage of the system? Formula | Substitute / Solve | Final Answer | | | AMA = 3.33 | * Using static equilibrium calculations, calculate the length from the fulcrum to the resistance force. Formula | Substitute / Solve | Final Answer | | | | A wheel barrow is used to lift a 200 lb load. The length from the wheel axle to the center of the load is 2 ft. The length from the wheel and axle to the effort is 5 ft. Illustrate and annotate the lever system described above. | What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the system? Formula | Substitute / Solve | Final Answer | | | | * Using static equilibrium calculations, calculate the effort force needed to overcome the resistance force in the system. Formula | Substitute / Solve | Final Answer | | | | A medical technician uses a pair of four inch long tweezers to remove a wood sliver from a patient. The technician is applying 1 lb of squeezing force to the tweezers. If more than 1/5 lb of force is applied to the sliver, it will break and become difficult to remove. Sketch and annotate the lever system...

Essay on Simple Machines

...Simple machines are extremely important to everyday life. They make stuff that is normally difficult a piece of cake. There are several types of simple machines . The first simple machine is a lever. A lever consists of a fulcrum, load, and effort force. A fulcrum is the support. The placing of the fulcrum changes the amount of force and distance it will take in order to move an object. The load is the applied force. The effort force is the force applied on the opposite side of the load. Levers can be placed in three classes. The 1st class levers are objects like pliers where the fulcrum is at the center of the lever. The 2nd class of levers are objects that have the fulcrum on the opposite side of the applied force like a nutcracker. The 3rd and final class is objects like crab claws. These objects of the load at one end and the fulcrum on the other. An inclined plane is another simple machine . Inclined planes are also known as ramps. Ramps make a trade off between distance and force. No matter how steep the ramp, the work is still the same. A winding road on a mountain side is a good example of a ramp. Some simple machines are modified inclined planes. The wedge is one of those machines . One or two inclined planes make up a wedge. Saws, knives,needles, and axes are made from wedges....

Simple Machines Essay

...Simple Machines Definitions: Machine - A device that makes work easier by changing the speed , direction, or amount of a force. Simple Machine - A device that performs work with only one movement. Simple machines include lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw, and wedge. Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA)- A machine in which work in equals work out; such a machine would be frictionless and a 100% efficient IMA= De/Dr Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA)- It is pretty much the opposite of IMA meaning it is not 100% efficient and it has friction. AMA= Fr/Fe Efficiency- The amount of work put into a machine compared to how much useful work is put out by the machine ; always between 0% and 100%. Friction- The force that resist motion between two surfaces that are touching each other. What do we use machines for? Machines are used for many things. Machines are used in everyday life just to make things easier. You use many machines in a day that you might take for granted. For example a simple ordinary broom is a machine . It is a form of a lever. Our country or world would never be this evolved if it wasn"t for machine . Almost every thing we do has a machine involved. We use machines ...

Simple Machine A machine with few Essay

... Simple Machine : A machine with few or no moving parts. Simple machines make work easier. Examples: Screw, Wheel and Axle, Wedge, Pulley, Inclined Plane, Lever Compound Machine : Two or more simple machines working together to make work easier. Examples: Wheelbarrow, Can Opener, Bicycle Inclined plane: A sloping surface, such as a ramp. Makes lifting heavy loads easier. The trade-off is that an object must be moved a longer distance than if it was lifted straight up, but less force is needed. Examples: Staircase, Ramp Lever: A straight rod or board that pivots on a point known as a fulcrum. Pushing down on one end of a lever results in the upward motion of the opposite end of the fulcrum. Examples: Door on Hinges, Seesaw, Hammer, Bottle Opener Pulley: A wheel that usually has a groove around the outside edge for a rope or belt. Pulling down on the rope can lift an object attached to the rope. Work is made easier because pulling down on the rope is made easier due to gravity. Examples: Flag Pole, Crane, Mini-Blinds Screw: An inclined plane wrapped around a shaft or cylinder. This inclined plane allows the screw to move itself or to move an object or material surrounding it when rotated. Examples: Bolt, Spiral Staircase Wedge: Two inclined planes joined back to back. Wedges are used to split things....

). The steeper the slope, or incline, the more nearly the required force approaches the actual weight. Expressed mathematically, the force F required to move a block D up an inclined plane without friction is equal to its weight W times the sine of the angle the inclined plane makes with the horizontal (θ). The equation is F = W sin θ.

In this representation of an inclined plane, D represents a block to be moved up the plane, F represents the force required to move the block, and W represents the weight of the block. Expressed mathematically, and assuming the plane to be without friction, F = W sin θ.

The principle of the inclined plane is used widely-for example, in ramps and switchback roads, where a small force acting for a distance along a slope can do a large amount of work.


A lever is a bar or board that rests on a support called a fulcrum. A downward force exerted on one end of the lever can be transferred and increased in an upward direction at the other end, allowing a small force to lift a heavy weight.

Two examples of levers(Left) A crowbar, supported and turning freely on a fulcrum f , multiplies a downward force F applied at point a such that it can overcome the load P exerted by the mass of the rock at point b . If, for example, the length a f is five times b f , the force F will be multiplied five times. (Right) A nutcracker is essentially two levers connected by a pin joint at a fulcrum f . If a f is three times b f , the force F exerted by hand at point a will be multiplied three times at b , easily overcoming the compressive strength P of the nutshell. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

All early people used the lever in some form, for example, for moving heavy stones or as digging sticks for land cultivation. The principle of the lever was used in the swape, or , a long lever pivoted near one end with a platform or water container hanging from the short arm and counterweights attached to the long arm. A man could lift several times his own weight by pulling down on the long arm. This device is said to have been used in Egypt and India for raising water and lifting soldiers over battlements as early as 1500 bce .

Shadoof, central Anatolia, Turkey. Noumenon


A wedge is an object that tapers to a thin edge. Pushing the wedge in one direction creates a force in a sideways direction. It is usually made of metal or wood and is used for splitting, lifting, or tightening, as in securing a hammer head onto its handle.

The wedge was used in prehistoric times to split logs and rocks; an is also a wedge, as are the teeth on a saw. In terms of its mechanical function, the screw may be thought of as a wedge wrapped around a cylinder.


A wheel and axle is made up of a circular frame (the wheel) that revolves on a shaft or rod (the axle). In its earliest form it was probably used for raising weights or water buckets from wells.

Its principle of operation is best explained by way of a device with a large and a small gear attached to the same shaft. The tendency of a force, F , applied at the radius R on the large gear to turn the shaft is sufficient to overcome the larger force W at the radius r on the small gear. The force amplification, or , is equal to the ratio of the two forces (W :F ) and also equal to the ratio of the radii of the two gears (R :r ).

Two wheel and axle arrangements(A) With a large gear and a small gear attached to the same shaft, or axle, a force F applied at the radius R on the large gear is sufficient to overcome the larger force W at the radius r on the small gear, turning the axle. (B) In a drum and rope arrangement capable of raising weights, a large drum of radius R can be used to turn a small drum. An increase in mechanical advantage can be obtained by using the large drum to turn a small drum with two radii as well as a pulley block. When a force F is applied to the rope wrapped around the large drum, the rope wrapped around the small two-radius drum winds off of d (radius r 1) and onto D (radius r 2). The force W on the radius of the pulley block P is easily overcome, and the attached weight is lifted. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

If the large and small gears are replaced with large- and small-diameter drums that are wrapped with ropes, the wheel and axle becomes capable of raising weights. The weight being lifted is attached to the rope on the small drum, and the operator pulls the rope on the large drum. In this arrangement the mechanical advantage is the radius of the large drum divided by the radius of the small drum. An increase in the mechanical advantage can be obtained by using a small drum with two radii, r 1 and r 2 , and a pulley block. When a force is applied to the large drum, the rope on the small drum winds onto D and off of d.

A measure of the force amplification available with the pulley-and-rope system is the velocity ratio, or the ratio of the at which the force is applied to the rope (V F ) to the velocity at which the weight is raised (V W ). This ratio is equal to twice the radius of the large drum divided by the difference in the radii of the smaller drums D and d. Expressed mathematically, the equation is V F /V W = 2R /(r 2 - r 1). The actual mechanical advantage W /F is less than this velocity ratio, depending on friction. A very large mechanical advantage may be obtained with this arrangement by making the two smaller drums D and d of nearly equal radius.


A pulley is a wheel that carries a flexible rope, cord, cable, chain, or belt on its rim. Pulleys are used singly or in combination to transmit and motion. Pulleys with grooved rims are called sheaves. In , pulleys are affixed to shafts at their axes, and power is transmitted between the shafts by means of endless belts running over the pulleys.

GK Bloemsma

One or more independently rotating pulleys can be used to gain mechanical advantage, especially for lifting weights. The shafts about which the pulleys turn may affix them to frames or blocks, and a combination of pulleys, blocks, and rope or other flexible material is referred to as a . The Greek mathematician (3rd century bce ) is reported to have used compound pulleys to pull a ship onto dry land.

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.


A screw is a usually circular cylindrical member with a continuous helical rib, used either as a fastener or as a force and motion modifier.

Although the Pythagorean philosopher (5th century bce ) is the alleged inventor of the screw, the exact period of its first appearance as a useful mechanical device is obscure. The invention of the is usually ascribed to Archimedes, but evidence exists of a similar device used for irrigation in Egypt at an earlier date. The screw press, probably invented in Greece in the 1st or 2nd century bce , has been used since the days of the Roman Empire for pressing clothes. In the 1st century ce , wooden screws were used in wine and olive-oil presses, and cutters (taps) for cutting internal threads were in use.

Screws and screw heads (A) Cap screw, (B) machine screw with oval head, (C) setscrew with hollow head, (D) self-tapping screw, (E) flat-head wood screw, (F) machine screw with Phillips head, (G) lag screw Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Are made in a wide variety of diameters and lengths; when using the larger sizes, pilot holes are drilled to avoid splitting the wood. are large wood screws used to fasten heavy objects to wood. Heads are either square or hexagonal.

Screws that modify force and motion are known as . A screw jack converts (turning moment) to thrust. The thrust (usually to lift a heavy object) is created by turning the screw in a stationary nut. By using a long bar to turn the screw, a small force at the end of the bar can create a large thrust force. Workpiece tables on are moved linearly on guiding ways by screws that rotate in at the ends of the tables and mate with nuts fixed to the machine frame. A similar torque-to-thrust conversion can be obtained by either rotating an axially fixed screw to drive a rotationally fixed nut along the screw or by rotating an axially fixed nut to drive a rotationally fixed screw through the nut.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Robert Curley , Senior Editor.

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